Call for GBR fish photos for our website fish guide

Written by jannemieke

17 April 2017

Dear members,

You may know that the Nautilus Club web site has a section on reef fishes which are common in the Cairns region.

It is located in

We are looking to expand this gallery with additional species and need your help.

I have a few requirements to be met to fit the current gallery technical parameters.

  1. For a fish to be added, 2-3 side view well cropped and clear photos of an individual fish specimen need to be provided. For examples of acceptable photos, please check a few photos from the existing gallery.
  2. Additionally, all photos must have the common and the scientific name included in the file name of the photos provided.

Here is an example of the naming convention for fish photos which I typically use.

” Pearl-scaled Angelfish (Centropyge vrolikii) [Angelfishes – Pomacanthidae]_40848.JPG”

Ideally, I would like to collect and include photos of all known phases of the fish (e.g., adult phase, juvenile phase, if known, and in case of parrotfishes/wrasses, female and male phases if they are known to differ). However, if you do not have photos of all such phases, 2-3 photos of adult specimens are certainly welcome.

If you do have the photos of the fish in the list below and would like to contribute to our fish gallery, please send your photos to I will review all submissions received and if they satisfy the gallery requirements I will add them to the gallery site. If you would like to add a copyright info to your photos, please do so in the way which does not interfere with the main photo subject.

Here is the list of species for which we are looking for photos for the Gallery:

  1. Pearl-scaled Angelfish
  2. Centropyge vrolikii
  3. Vagabond Butterflyfish
  4. Chaetodon vagabundus
  5. Blackback Butterflyfish
  6. Chaetodon melannotus
  7. Lined Butterflyfish
  8. Chaetodon lineolatus
  9. Spotnape Butterflyfish
  10. Chaetodon oxycephalus
  11. Pacific Double-saddle Butterflyfish
  12. Chaetodon ulietensis
  13. Pennant Bannerfish
  14. Heniochus chrysostomus
  15. Humphead Bannerfish
  16. Heniochus varius
  17. Great Barrier Reef Blenny
  18. Ecsenius stictus
  19. Barrier Reef Anemonefish
  20. Amphiprion akindynos
  21. Pink Anemonefish
  22. Amphiprion perideraion
  23. Red-and-Black Anemonefish
  24. Amphiprion melanopus
  25. Spine-cheek Anemonefish
  26. Premnas biaculeatus
  27. Bicolor Goatfish
  28. Parupeneus barberinoides
  29. Yellowfin Goatfish
  30. Mulloidichthys vanicolensis
  31. Orange-dashed Goby
  32. Valenciennea puellaris
  33. Old Glory
  34. Amblygobius rainfordi
  35. Spotted Shrimp Goby
  36. Amblyeleotris guttata
  37. Honeycomb Leatherjacket
  38. Cantherhines pardalis
  39. Shark Mackerel
  40. Grammatorcynus bicarinatus
  41. Narrow-barred Spanish Mackerel
  42. Scomberomorus commerson
  43. Bleeker’s Parrotfish
  44. Chlorurus bleekeri
  45. Chameleon Parrotfish
  46. Scarus chameleon
  47. Egghead Parrotfish
  48. Scarus oviceps
  49. Globehead Parrotfish
  50. Scarus globiceps
  51. Greensnout Parrotfish
  52. Scarus spinus
  53. Minifin Parrotfish
  54. Scarus altipinnis
  55. Schlegel’s Parrotfish
  56. Scarus schlegeli
  57. Surf Parrotfish
  58. Scarus rivulatus
  59. Swarthy Parrotfish
  60. Scarus niger
  61. Yellowbarred Parrotfish
  62. Scarus dimidiatus
  63. Yellowfin Parrotfish
  64. Scarus flavipectoralis
  65. Bennett’s Toby
  66. Canthigaster bennetti
  67. Map Puffer
  68. Arothron mappa
  69. Star Puffer
  70. Arothron stellatus
  71. Stars and Stripes Puffer
  72. Arothron hispidus
  73. Coronation Trout
  74. Variola louti
  75. White-lined Rockcod
  76. Anyperodon leucogrammicus
  77. Black-spot Snapper
  78. Lutjanus fulviflamma
  79. Bluestripe Seaperch
  80. Lutjanus kasmira
  81. Five-lined Seaperch
  82. Lutjanus quinquelineatus
  83. Flagtail Triggerfish
  84. Sufflamen chrysopterus
  85. Pinktail Triggerfish
  86. Melichthys vidua
  87. Axilspot Hogfish
  88. Bodianus axillaris
  89. Barred Thicklip
  90. Hemigymnus fasciatus
  91. Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
  92. Labroides bicolor
  93. Blackeye Thicklip
  94. Hemigymnus melapterus
  95. Tailspot Wrasse
  96. Halichoeres melanurus
  97. Checkerboard Wrasse
  98. Halichoeres hortulanus
  99. Threespot Wrasse
  100. Halichoeres trimaculatus
  101. Twotone Wrasse
  102. Halichoeres prosopeion
  103. Sixbar Wrasse
  104. Thalassoma hardwicke
  105. Tripletail Maori Wrasse
  106. Cheilinus trilobatus
  107. Flagtail Blanquillo
  108. Malacanthus brevirostris
  109. Blue Blanquillo
  110. Malacanthus latovittatus
  111. Blackside Hawkfish
  112. Paracirrhites forsteri

Many thanks!

Alex (The Nautilus Fish Geek)


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