Sipadan, Malaysia May/June 2025
by Webmaster | Overseas Trips, What's On
25th May – 3rd June This trip is currently full, if you wish to be added to the waitlist please email overseastrips@nautilus-scuba.net Considered one of the top 10 dive destinations in the world, Sipadan is famous for massive schools of fish, spiraling...
Previous Overseas Trips
by President | Overseas Trips
Aug 2024 Bali Dive Safari – Aquamarine Diving Bali May 2024 Tubbataha, Philippines – MV Stella Maris May 2024 Visayas Safari, Philippines – Choi GoAdventures Nov 2023 Taveuni, Fiji – Taveuni Dive Resort Oct 2023 Beqa Lagoon, Fiji –...Pages
- #11754 (no title)
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- About The Club
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- Cairns Fish ID
- Cairns Fish Identification Alphabetic
- Cairns Fish Identification by Shape
- Cryptic Cave Dwellers
- Disk-shaped Reef Colorfuls
- Eels
- Heavy Bodies-Large Lips
- Large Oval-shaped Fishes
- Odd-shaped Bottom Dwellers
- Odd-shaped Swimmers
- Reddish/Big Eyes/Nocturnals
- Sharks and Rays
- Silvery
- Slender Colorful Schooling Fishes
- Sloping heads/Tapered Bodies
- Small Elongate Bottom Dwellers
- Small Ovals – Damselfishes and Anemonefishes
- Swim with Pectoral Fins/Colorfuls
- Cairns Nautilus photocomp night 2014
- Common Cairns Fish
- Ambon Damsel
- Axilspot Hogfish
- Barcheek Trevally
- Barramundi Cod
- Barred Rabbitfish
- Barrier Reef Anemonefish
- Batu Coris
- Beaked Coralfish
- Beaked Leatherjacket
- Bicolor Angelfish
- Bicolor Blenny
- Bicolor Cleaner Wrasse
- Bicolor Goatfish
- Bicolor Parrotfish
- Bicoloured Dottyback
- Bigscale Soldierfish
- Bird Wrasse
- Black And White Seaperch
- Black-axil Chromis
- Black-saddled Toby
- Blackfin Squirrelfish
- Blackspotted Puffer
- Blackstreak Surgeonfish
- Blue Devilfish
- Blue-green Chromis
- Blue-spotted Rockcod
- Blue-spotted Stingray
- Blueband Goby
- Bluefin Trevally
- Bluespine Unicornfish
- Bluespot Butterflyfish
- Bluestripe Snapper
- Bluestriped Fangblenny
- Bluntheaded Wrasse
- Bridled Monocle Bream
- Bridled Parrotfish
- Brown Dottyback
- Brown Sweetlips
- Bullethead Parrotfish
- Bumphead Parrotfish
- Charcoal Damsel
- Cheeklined Maori Wrasse
- Chevron Barracuda
- Chevroned Butterflyfish
- Chinese Footballer
- Clown Anemonefish
- Common Lionfish
- Coral Cod
- Coral Rabbitfish
- Coral Trout
- Crescent-tail Bigeye
- Crocodile Longtom
- Crown Squirrelfish
- Dash-dot Goatfish
- Diagonal-banded Sweetlips
- Dotted Sweetlips
- Dotted Wrasse
- Doublebar Goatfish
- Dwarf Hawkfish
- Dwarf Spotted Rockcod
- Epaulette Soldierfish
- Fire Dartfish
- Forcepsfish
- Foxface
- Giant Moray
- Giant Trevally
- Golden-striped Butterflyfish
- Great Barrier Reef Blenny
- Grey Reef Shark
- Harlequin Tuskfish
- Humbug Dascyllus
- Humphead Bannerfish
- Humphead Maori Wrasse
- Indo-pacific Sergeant
- Klein’s Butterflyfish
- Kuhl’s Stingray
- Lattice Soldierfish
- Lemon Damsel
- Lined Butterflyfish
- Longnose Hawkfish
- Many-spotted Sweetlips
- Manybar Goatfish
- Mimic Surgeonfish
- Moon Wrasse
- Neon Triplefin
- New Guinea Wrasse
- Old Glory
- One-stripe Clingfish
- Orange-lined Triggerfish
- Orange-striped Emperor
- Orangespine Unicornfish
- Orbicular Batfish
- Ornate Butterflyfish
- Pacific Double-saddle Butterflyfish
- Paddletail
- Palette Surgeonfish
- Peacock Rockcod
- Pearl-scaled Angelfish
- Pennant Bannerfish
- Piano Fangblenny
- Pickhandle Barracuda
- Pink Anemonefish
- Pinnate Batfish
- Pixy Hawkfish
- Ragged-finned Firefish
- Rainford’s Butterflyfish
- Razorfish
- Red and Black Anemonefish
- Red Bass
- Redbreasted Maori Wrasse
- Redfin Anthias
- Redfin Butterfyfish
- Reef Lizardfish
- Regal Angelfish
- Ringtail Surgeonfish
- Sabre Squirrelfish
- Saddled Butterflyfish
- Sailfin Dottyback
- Sailfin Tang
- Scalefin Anthias
- Scissortail Fusilier
- Six-banded Angelfish
- Sixbar Wrasse
- Slingjaw Wrasse
- Smooth Flutemouth
- Snub-nosed Dart
- Spangled Emperor
- Spanish Flag
- Speckled Butterflyfish
- Speckled Sandperch
- Spine-cheek Anemonefish
- Spiny Chromis
- Split-banded Cardinalfish
- Splitlevel Hogfish
- Spotfin Shrimp Goby
- Spotnape Butterflyfish
- Spotted Unicornfish
- Steephead Parrotfish
- Steinitz’ Shrimpgoby
- Striped Cleaner Wrasse
- Striped Surgeonfish
- Tailspot Squirrelfish
- Ternate Chromis
- Threadfin Anthias
- Threadfin Butterflyfish
- Titan Triggerfish
- Topsail Drummer
- Triangular Butterflyfish
- Trumpetfish
- Two-spined Angelfish
- Two-stripe Fusilier
- Twospot Bristletooth
- Twotone Dartfish
- Vagabond Butterflyfish
- Whip Goby
- Whitetip Reef Shark
- Yellow Boxfish
- Yellow Devilfish
- Yellow-striped Cardinalfish
- Yellow-tailed Emperor
- Yellowtail Barracuda
- Yellowtail Demoiselle
- Yellowtail Fusilier
- XMAS 2011 Club Dive Calypso Port Douglas
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